

Deviated Nose

SOON+ Deviated Nose Correction

Deviated nose correction according to SoonPlus' anatomical diagnosis 

Deviated nose correction surgery, which corrects a curved nose bridge, is an operation that corrects both functional and cosmetic problems. 

What is deviation nose correction surgery?

The nose is located in the center of the face, so if the bridge of the nose is curved, it affects the overall impression.

Deviated nose not only has cosmetic problems but also needs to consider functional aspects,

so it is also necessary to solve the bending of the nasal septum at the same time.


Causes and symptoms of deviated nose

The difficulty of corrective surgery increases depending on the degree of the curved nose.


1. If you have congenital asymmetry

2. In case of acquired trauma


Crooked nose 

C-shaped crooked nose 

S-shaped crooked nose 

Overall, the nasal bone and tip of the nose

are curved in one direction. 

The line from the bridge of the nose

 to the tip of the nose is c-shaped 

The line from the nose's bridge

to the nose's tip is most bent

in an S-shape,

and the difficulty of correction is serious. 

How to operate a crooked nose
Proceed with the appropriate surgical method depending on the cause.

If the curved nose is not severe
Shave silicon on the nose and insert it to make it look straight. If the left and right slopes are different, cartilage or dermis can be added to make it look less curved.

In case of a severely crooked nose
Along with nasal septum plastic surgery, complex surgical methods are performed, such as lateral osteotomy to cut the outside of the nasal bone or resection and correction of curved lateral cartilage.

Surgical method

With 3D CT to analyze the current state of the nose and the structure of bones and soft tissue at the same time
Appropriate surgical procedures and scheduling
Weekdays AM 10:00 ~ PM 07:00 Saturday AM 10:00 ~ PM 04:00 Closed every Sunday and Public holiday.

Contact Number+82-2-547-1705, +82-10-3155-1705

  • Address
    Gangnam-daero 589, Seocho-gu, Seoul
    Mulberryhills Medical Building 12F, 13F
    Business License No. 211-09-44940
    Business Name SOON PLUS Plastic Surgery Fax +82-2-549-1706
    Business Holder Kim Soon Dong Email soonplus77@gmail.com
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